I’ve been asked this question a lot — ”What’s the easiest diet to follow?”
Here are a few important traits of an easy diet in my book:
- No need to count anything (calories, carbs, grams etc.)
- Not limiting your life.
- Not eliminating any food groups.
- Not making you feel deprived, instead, you feel very satisfied.
- Can eat ‘junk food’ whenever you feel like it.
- No constantly thinking about food.
- No excessive workouts just for the purpose of weight loss.
- Easy peasy to maintain.
“Are you joking with me? That way I’d gain another 100 pounds!” — you could be thinking right now.
No. You’ll lose weight steadily. I’m not kidding, and you can see how surprised and happy one of my clients was at her very first weigh-in after she adopted the 100% freedom philosophy (watch her moment here).
She used to be so much like you before — tried everything to lose weight over years, got super addicted to thinking about and calculating food. But instead of losing the weight through her dieting efforts, she has gained a bunch, and her food addiction was ruling her life.
Here’s another example of clients seeing amazing results by taking this counter-intuitive method — see how consistent her extra weight was coming off. No counting. No exercising. And right before starting this journey, she did a highly rigorous 90-day diet program and didn’t shed a pound.
Even I myself have been the same case. On my About page, I’ve shared the story of how I’ve lost 50 pounds without trying hard.
You must be wondering now: what’s really the difference? How come some people embrace freedom and lose weight and gain a healthy relationship with food — while others do the same thing but only gain weight and become more stressed out about eating?
It’s how you are conditioned. Let me explain it further:
The Easiest Diet To Follow
The key difference between you and a naturally healthy, skinny, and fit person isn’t discipline in eating or working out. Instead, it’s how your body and mind are working together to determine a few things about you:
- Can you get the right signal of fullness and hunger (which automatically eliminates the overeating problem)?
- Are you experiencing excessive craving triggers as self-deprivation multiplies craving and hormonal imbalances take you over?
- Are you craving mostly unhealthy, fattening food because your taste buds are trained to favor these?
- Are your metabolism and digestion system working together to burn energy and fat efficiently or to the contrary, retain, or even attract them?
- Is all your experience around food — induced by your beliefs and thoughts about it and your inner chemistry experience — making you dread food while being addicted to it?
As you can probably see now, it’s not the food or diet which differentiate you from the healthy and fit people who are mentally free about eating. It’s a series of physical and psychological patterns which run you during the days and nights that determine if you are gaining weight or losing it.
If your brain is programmed to delay response to the signal of fullness, overeating will be your everyday norm and the more you use willpower and discipline, the more self-deprivation you’d struggle with. This causes cravings to expand and negative emotions around food to ruin your relationship with it. And for sure, you’d feel insecure without counting calories.
And if your brain and taste buds are trained to favor sweets, you are guaranteed to consume a lot more calories every day. Discipline, again, won’t solve the problem.
At this time, it won’t help at all if your body has, say, acquired chronic inflammation which causes a series of metabolic and hormonal imbalances that prevent your body from effectively burning energy. It’s another layer or programming of how your body functions. The more you become overweight, the more you are prone to have chronic inflammation. Obesity and chronic inflammation usually go hand in hand to create conditions for multiplying cravings and retaining fat.
But how did you get these wrong to begin with? It’s how you’ve been treating yourself over time. Prior to working with me, most of my clients have been working way too hard on dieting and they’ve trusted and responded to numbers more than their inner senses. Throughout time, they’ve stressed and disciplined their bodies to conform to diet rules. Their bodies’ long-stressed instincts have faded away, and the imbalances created have dominated many parts of their physiology.
So let’s get back to the gist:
The key differences between the fat, stressed, and food-addicted you and the healthy, lean, and happy you aren’t food, diet, or exercising even though that’s what you’ve learned over the last several years. Instead, the key differences are your physical and subconscious patterns which, in other words, are your instincts.

Are they working for you? Or are they working against you?
Here are more essential self-check questions:
- Do you know how to instinctively eat the right amount of food without counting anything?
- Do you know how to make your body want the right things?
- Do you know how to make its metabolism burn fat faster?
- Do you know how to mute cravings before they start on the subconscious level?
- Do you know how to remove addiction to food and weight loss from your mind?
Do you know how to relax with food and curate a natural, effortless balance between satisfying indulgence and fitness?
Sustainable health and weight loss results rely on you answering “yes” to all of them.
Not knowing how to think this way has prevented you from seeing real, sustainable weight loss results, and it’s delayed the happiness and possibilities that come with results. By continuously stressing your body with rigorous diets, you may have made the struggles worse.
Notice a few paragraphs ago, I used the words “programmed” and “trained” (bold fonts) when talking about how your body and brain could work? That’s because they can all be efficiently rewired by using the right method. When you’ve successfully deviated away from these old patterns, you can be free about eating and let your body do the rest of the job — from guiding you to eat the right portion of the right thing to burning the fat for you.
Most importantly, the results will be life-long.
Now, after giving you all the preliminary information needed, let me circle back to your question at the very beginning of this article:
The easiest diet is the one which allows your body to fix itself while giving you the satisfaction and freedom around food all the time.
In other words: you do the first 5% (creating the right commands), and your body handles the remaining 95% (execution).
Let’s not call it a diet because that’s how life’s supposed to be.
P.S. If you want to experience the same energizing, liberating, and smooth weight loss and build a delicious and wondrous love relationship with food, book a 1:1 Clarity Call with me here. Let’s sit together to look at where you are and map out your fastest route for succeeding.
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